/*********************************************************** ******************/ /* Add #define DEBUG for debug build. */ /*********************************************************** ******************/
/*********************************************************** ******************/ /* Header files. */ /*********************************************************** ******************/ #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <assert.h>
/*********************************************************** ******************/ /* Handy constants. &n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp; */ /*********************************************************** ******************/ #define SIZE 9 #define BLOCK_SIZE 3 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0
/*********************************************************** ******************/ /* Assert macro. */ /*********************************************************** ******************/ #ifdef DEBUG #define ASSERT(X) assert(X) #else #define ASSERT(X) #endif
/*********************************************************** ******************/ /* Prototypes. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; */ /*********************************************************** ******************/ static int initialize(FILE *); static int attempt_to_solve(void); static int number_known(void); static int do_check(void); static void proc_block(int, int); static int unique_value(int, int); static void dump(void); static void proc_row(int, int); static void proc_col(int, int);
/*********************************************************** ******************/ /* Global variables for tracking recursion depth. */ /*********************************************************** ******************/ static int max_rec_depth = 0; static int cur_rec_depth = 0;
/*********************************************************** ******************/ /* Global solution array. */ /* &nbs p; &nbs p; &nbs p; &nbs p; &nbs p; &nbs p; &nbs p; */ /* The second-to-top entry is used to keep track of the number of &nbs p; */ /* candidates. This is redundant information but is an optimization trading */ /* off storage for speed. */ /* &nbs p; &nbs p; &nbs p; &nbs p; &nbs p; &nbs p; &nbs p; */ /* We also trade off storage for speed by storing the unique candidate, once */ /* it's found, in the top array entry. */ /*********************************************************** ******************/ static int sudoku[SIZE][SIZE][SIZE + 2];
/*********************************************************** ******************/ /* Handy macros.   ;   ;   ;   ;   ;   ; */ /*********************************************************** ******************/ #define FIXED_VAL(X,Y) sudoku[X][Y][SIZE+1] #define CAND_COUNT(X,Y) sudoku[X][Y][SIZE]
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int rc; FILE *file;
if (argc != 2) { /*********************************************************** **************/ /* Print usage information. */ /*********************************************************** **************/ printf("Use: sudoku input.txt (input.txt in same form as sample1.txt)\n"); rc = FALSE; goto EXIT; }
/*********************************************************** ****************/ /* Attempt to open the input file. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; */ /*********************************************************** ****************/ file = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if (file == NULL) { printf("Failed to open input file %s\n", argv[1]); rc = FALSE; goto EXIT; }
/*********************************************************** ****************/ /* Initialize our data structures and read in input data. & nbsp; */ /*********************************************************** ****************/ rc = initialize(file);
if (rc == FALSE) { printf("Initialization failed.\n"); goto EXIT; }
/*********************************************************** ****************/ /* Close input file. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; */ /*********************************************************** ****************/ (void)fclose(file);
/*********************************************************** ****************/ /* Show the user what went in. &nb sp; &nb sp; &nb sp; &nb sp; */ /*********************************************************** ****************/ printf("\nInput:\n"); dump();
/*********************************************************** ****************/ /* Attempt to solve the puzzle. This is a recursive routine. &nbs p; */ /*********************************************************** ****************/ rc = attempt_to_solve();
if (rc == FALSE) { printf("Couldn't solve it.\n"); } else { /*********************************************************** **************/ /* Solved it. Dump out the solution. &nb sp; &nb sp; &nb sp; */ /*********************************************************** **************/ printf("Output:\n"); dump(); printf("Maximum recursion depth was %d\n", max_rec_depth); }
return (rc); }
static int initialize(FILE *file) { int ii; int jj; int kk; int xx; int rc = TRUE;
/*********************************************************** ****************/ /* Clear out the working array. Wind through all the entries. &nbs p; */ /*********************************************************** ****************/ for (ii=0;ii<SIZE;ii++) { for (jj=0;jj<SIZE;jj++) { /*********************************************************** ************/ /* Initialize next entry. First make every number a candidate. */ /*********************************************************** ************/ for (kk=0;kk<SIZE;kk++) { sudoku[ii][jj][kk] = TRUE; }
/*********************************************************** ************/ /* Initialize the candidate count. */ /*********************************************************** ************/ CAND_COUNT(ii,jj) = SIZE;
/*********************************************************** ************/ /* Look at input file for specification of this entry. */ /*********************************************************** ************/ (void)fscanf(file, "%d", &xx);
if ((xx < 0) || (xx > SIZE)) { printf("Bad egg %d in input file at %d %d\n", xx, ii+1, jj+1); rc = FALSE; goto EXIT; }
if (xx > 0) { /*********************************************************** **********/ /* We have a known entry. Update our array thusly.   ; */ /*********************************************************** **********/ for (kk=0;kk<SIZE;kk++) { sudoku[ii][jj][kk] = FALSE; } sudoku[ii][jj][xx-1] = TRUE;
/*********************************************************** **********/ /* Set up the candidate count. */ /*********************************************************** **********/ CAND_COUNT(ii,jj) = 1;
/*********************************************************** **********/ /* Set up the unique entry value. */ /*********************************************************** **********/ FIXED_VAL(ii,jj) = xx; } } }
return (rc); }
static int attempt_to_solve(void) { int num_known; int last_num_known = 0; int ii = 0; int jj = 0; int ll; int mm; int success = TRUE; int saved_entry[SIZE+2]; int saved_sudoku[SIZE][SIZE][SIZE+2]; int done;
/*********************************************************** ****************/ /* Increment recursion depth count. We dump this info on completion for */ /* curiosity's sake. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; */ /*********************************************************** ****************/ cur_rec_depth++;
if (max_rec_depth < cur_rec_depth) { /*********************************************************** **************/ /* We need to update the deepest-ever recursion statistic. &n bsp; */ /*********************************************************** **************/ max_rec_depth = cur_rec_depth; }
while (((num_known = number_known()) > last_num_known) && (num_known < (SIZE*SIZE))) { /*********************************************************** **************/ /* Iterate applying the logical conditions of Sudoku until we have no */ /* more effect on the number of known entries. &nbs p; */ /*********************************************************** **************/ last_num_known = num_known;
/*********************************************************** **************/ /* Wind through each entry looking for restrictions applied by each of */ /* its row, column and block. */ /*********************************************************** **************/ for (ii=0; ii < SIZE; ii++) { for (jj=0; jj < SIZE; jj++) { if (CAND_COUNT(ii,jj) > 1) { /*********************************************************** ********/ /* Check for constrictions applied by the row, column and block. */ /*********************************************************** ********/ proc_row(ii,jj); proc_col(ii,jj); proc_block(ii,jj); } } } }
/*********************************************************** **************/ /* Check that we have a consistent array still. If not, we have failed */ /* and an outer recursion will backtrack and guess a different value for */ /* an entry. */ /*********************************************************** **************/ if (do_check() == FALSE) { success = FALSE; goto EXIT; }
if (num_known == (SIZE * SIZE)) { /*********************************************************** **************/ /* We've solved the puzzle so return with success. &nbs p; &nbs p; */ /*********************************************************** **************/ goto EXIT; }
/*********************************************************** ****************/ /* Not got a complete solution yet so we have to start guessing. Look for */ /* the first entry in the array that has more than one possible value. */ /*********************************************************** ****************/ done = FALSE; for (ii=0;ii<SIZE;ii++) { for (jj=0;jj<SIZE;jj++) { if (CAND_COUNT(ii,jj) > 1) { done = TRUE; break; } }
if (done == TRUE) { break; } }
/*********************************************************** ****************/ /* Save off a copy the entry candidate list that we're going to use. */ /* We're going to overwrite the data soon but we need to use it. &nb sp; */ /*********************************************************** ****************/ memcpy(saved_entry, sudoku[ii][jj], sizeof(sudoku[ii][jj]));
/*********************************************************** ****************/ /* Wind through each candidate attempting to solve the puzzle by trying to */ /* solve it using each of them in turn. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; */ /*********************************************************** ****************/ for (ll=0;ll<SIZE;ll++) { if (saved_entry[ll] == TRUE) { /*********************************************************** ************/ /* Save the current partially-completed sudoku.   ;   ; */ /*********************************************************** ************/ memcpy(saved_sudoku, sudoku, sizeof(sudoku));
/*********************************************************** ************/ /* Found a candidate. Set up the entry to make it look as though */ /* we've decided the value of this entry. */ /*********************************************************** ************/ for (mm=0;mm<SIZE;mm++) { sudoku[ii][jj][mm] = FALSE; } sudoku[ii][jj][ll] = TRUE;
/*********************************************************** ************/ /* Set the candidate count to 1. &nbs p; &nbs p; &nbs p; */ /*********************************************************** ************/ CAND_COUNT(ii,jj) = 1;
/*********************************************************** **********/ /* Set up the unique entry value. */ /*********************************************************** **********/ FIXED_VAL(ii,jj) = ll+1;
/*********************************************************** ************/ /* Recursively attempt to solve the grid now we've fixed an extra */ /* point as an educated guess. */ /*********************************************************** ************/ success = attempt_to_solve();
if (success == TRUE) { /*********************************************************** **********/ /* We have a solution so qu it. &nb sp; */ /*********************************************************** **********/ goto EXIT; } else { /*********************************************************** **********/ /* Restore the old partially-completed sudoku from before we failed. */ /*********************************************************** **********/ memcpy(sudoku, saved_sudoku, sizeof(sudoku)); } } }
/*********************************************************** ****************/ /* Decrement the current number of recursions. & nbsp; & nbsp; */ /*********************************************************** ****************/ cur_rec_depth--;
return (success); }
static void proc_row(int ii, int jj) { int kk;
/*********************************************************** **********/ /* Check row containing this entry for restrictions we can apply to */ /* the current entry. */ /*********************************************************** **********/ for (kk=0; kk < SIZE; kk++) { if ((jj != kk) && (CAND_COUNT(ii,kk) == 1) && ((CAND_COUNT(ii,jj)) > 1)) { if ((sudoku[ii][jj][FIXED_VAL(ii,kk) - 1]) == TRUE) { /*********************************************************** **********/ /* Eliminate this candidate. &n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp; &n bsp; */ /*********************************************************** **********/ sudoku[ii][jj][FIXED_VAL(ii,kk) - 1] = FALSE;
/*********************************************************** **********/ /* Decrement the candidate count. */ /*********************************************************** **********/ CAND_COUNT(ii,jj)--;
if (CAND_COUNT(ii,jj) == 1) { /*********************************************************** ********/ /* We have uniqueness. Update the unique value slot. & nbsp; */ /*********************************************************** ********/ FIXED_VAL(ii,jj) = unique_value(ii,jj); } } } } return; }
static void proc_col(int ii, int jj) { int kk;
/*********************************************************** **********/ /* Check column containing this entry for restrictions we can apply */ /* to the current entry. */ /*********************************************************** **********/ for (kk=0; kk < SIZE; kk++) { if ((ii != kk) && (CAND_COUNT(kk,jj) == 1) && (CAND_COUNT(ii,jj) > 1)) { if (sudoku[ii][jj][FIXED_VAL(kk,jj) - 1] == TRUE) { /*********************************************************** **********/ /* Eliminate this value. */ /*********************************************************** **********/ sudoku[ii][jj][FIXED_VAL(kk,jj) - 1] = FALSE;
/*********************************************************** **********/ /* Decrement the candidate count. */ /*********************************************************** **********/ CAND_COUNT(ii,jj)--;
if (CAND_COUNT(ii,jj) == 1) { /*********************************************************** ********/ /* We have uniqueness. Update the unique value slot. & nbsp; */ /*********************************************************** ********/ FIXED_VAL(ii,jj) = unique_value(ii,jj); } } } } return; }
static void proc_block(int ii, int jj) { int xx; int yy; int kk; int ll;
/*********************************************************** ****************/ /* Find the top left-hand corner of the block. */ /*********************************************************** ****************/ xx = (ii/3)*3; yy = (jj/3)*3;
/*********************************************************** ****************/ /* Wind through each block entry. If it is fixed then we know that the */ /* target entry can't be that value. */ /*********************************************************** ****************/ for (kk=xx; kk<(xx+BLOCK_SIZE); kk++) { for (ll=yy; ll<(yy+BLOCK_SIZE); ll++) { /*********************************************************** ************/ /* We're on the next value in the block. */ /*********************************************************** ************/ if (((kk != ii) || (ll != jj)) && (CAND_COUNT(kk,ll) == 1)) { if (sudoku[ii][jj][FIXED_VAL(kk,ll) - 1] == TRUE) { /*********************************************************** ********/ /* It's a fixed value. Update the sudoku array thusly.   ; */ /*********************************************************** ********/ sudoku[ii][jj][FIXED_VAL(kk,ll) - 1] = FALSE;
/*********************************************************** ********/ /* Decrement the candidate count. */ /*********************************************************** ********/ CAND_COUNT(ii,jj)--;
if (CAND_COUNT(ii,jj) == 1) { /*********************************************************** ******/ /* We have uniqueness. Update the unique value slot. */ /*********************************************************** ******/ FIXED_VAL(ii,jj) = unique_value(ii,jj); } } } } } return; }
static int number_known(void) { int ii; int jj; int nn = 0;
for (ii=0;ii<SIZE;ii++) { for (jj=0;jj<SIZE;jj++) { if (CAND_COUNT(ii,jj) == 1) { /*********************************************************** **********/ /* This entry is fixed so increment our count. */ /*********************************************************** **********/ nn++; } } }
return nn; }
static int do_check(void) { int ii; int jj; int kk; int xx; int yy; int ll; int success = TRUE;
for (ii=0; ii < SIZE; ii++) { for (jj=0; jj < SIZE; jj++) { /*********************************************************** ************/ /* Check whether the entry has run out of candidates. */ /*********************************************************** ************/ if (CAND_COUNT(ii,jj) == 0) { success = FALSE; goto EXIT; }
/*********************************************************** ************/ /* Check horizontals for duplicates. The ordering of the tests is */ /* optimized to do the most unlikely ones first. */ /*********************************************************** ************/ for (kk=0; kk < SIZE; kk++) { if ((CAND_COUNT(ii,kk) == 1) && (CAND_COUNT(ii,jj) == 1) && (jj != kk) && (FIXED_VAL(ii,kk) == FIXED_VAL(ii,jj))) { success = FALSE; goto EXIT; } }
/*********************************************************** ************/ /* Check verticals for duplicates. The ordering of the tests is */ /* optimized to do the most unlikely ones first. */ /*********************************************************** ************/ for (kk=0; kk < SIZE; kk++) { if ((CAND_COUNT(kk,jj) == 1) && (CAND_COUNT(ii,jj) == 1) && (ii != kk) && (FIXED_VAL(kk,jj) == FIXED_VAL(ii,jj))) { success = FALSE; goto EXIT; } }
/*********************************************************** ************/ /* Check block containing this entry. Find the top left-hand corner */ /* of the block. */ /*********************************************************** ************/ xx = (ii/3)*3; yy = (jj/3)*3;
/*********************************************************** ************/ /* Wind through all entries in the block. */ /*********************************************************** ************/ for (kk=xx; kk<(xx+BLOCK_SIZE); kk++) { for (ll=yy; ll<(yy+BLOCK_SIZE); ll++) { /*********************************************************** ********/ /* We're on the next value in the block. The order of the tests */ /* here is optimized to check the most unlikely conditions first. */ /*********************************************************** ********/ if ((CAND_COUNT(kk,ll) == 1) && (CAND_COUNT(ii,jj) == 1) && ((kk != ii) || (ll != jj)) && (FIXED_VAL(kk,ll) == FIXED_VAL(ii,jj))) { /*********************************************************** ******/ /* Two different entries have been uniquely identified but are */ /* the same. This is a bogus block. Bail out. */ /*********************************************************** ******/ success = FALSE; goto EXIT; } } } } }
return success; }
/*********************************************************** ******************/ /* Prints out the sudoku solution array. */ /*********************************************************** ******************/ static void dump(void) { int ii; int jj;
printf(" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9\n"); printf(" ----- ----- -----\n");
for (ii=0;ii<SIZE;ii++) { printf("%d| ", ii+1); for (jj=0;jj<SIZE;jj++) { if (CAND_COUNT(ii,jj) > 1) { printf("0 "); } else { printf("%d ", FIXED_VAL(ii,jj)); }
if ((jj % BLOCK_SIZE) == (BLOCK_SIZE - 1)) { printf(" "); } } printf("\n"); if ((ii % BLOCK_SIZE) == (BLOCK_SIZE - 1)) { printf("\n"); } }
#ifdef DEBUG for (ii=0;ii<SIZE;ii++) { for (jj=0;jj<SIZE;jj++) { printf("%d ", CAND_COUNT(ii,jj));
if ((jj % BLOCK_SIZE) == (BLOCK_SIZE - 1)) { printf(" "); } } printf("\n"); if ((ii % BLOCK_SIZE) == (BLOCK_SIZE - 1)) { printf("\n"); } } #endif }
/*********************************************************** ******************/ /* This function returns the unique value that an entry with only one */ /* candidate has. */ /*********************************************************** ******************/ static int unique_value(int xx, int yy) { int ii; int output = SIZE+1;
ASSERT(CAND_COUNT(xx,yy) == 1);
for (ii=0; ii<SIZE; ii++) { if (sudoku[xx][yy][ii] == TRUE) { output = ii+1; goto EXIT; } }
ASSERT(output < (SIZE+1));
return (output); }