נשלח בתאריך: 17 April 2005 בשעה 23:16 | | IP רשוּם
זה הפתרון שלי לתרגיל השני עבדתי על זה יום שלם אבל עדיין לא מבצע את מה שנדרש במלואה
.model small .stack 100 .data std1 db 10 dup(00h)
num db 10
msg1 db 'pls enter your choise : ',0ah,0dh,'0. Update',0ah,0dh,'1. Search student by shift .',0ah,0dh,'2. for exit $'
msg2 db 'enter the number of student$'
msg3 db 'enter the first day$'
msg4 db 'enter the second day$'
msg5 db 'enter the day of shift$'
error db 'input out of range , please enter again$'
error2 db 'please enter diffrent number$'
msg6 db 'no student registred to this day$'
msg7 db 'search result : $' finish db 'end of program$' ;--------------------------------- .code begin proc far mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov es,ax ;--------------------------------- &n bsp; mnu:
lea di,std1 lea ax,msg1 push ax ;push the menu messege call dsp_mnu   ; ;printing menu mov ax,2 ;set the range push ax ;move to stack call getc ;get the char and check sub bh,bh sub ah,ah mov bl,al cmp bx,0h &nbs p; jnz kelet1 ;if bx != 0 jump to kelet1 lea ax,error2 ;else : push ax ;push error2 to stack push di lea ax,msg2 ;push msg2 to stack push ax lea ax,msg3 ;push msg3 to stack push ax lea ax,msg4 ;push msg4 to stack push ax call choice0
cmp bx,1h jnz kelet2 ;if bx != 0 jump to kelet2 lea ax,msg6 push ax lea ax,msg7 push ax lea ax,msg5 push ax mov al,num sub ah,ah push ax push di call choice1
cmp bl,2h jnz mnu lea dx,finish call new_line call print
mov ax,4c00h int 21h begin endp
dsp_mnu proc
push bp mov bp,sp push dx mov dx,[bp+4] call print pop dx pop bp ret 2
dsp_mnu endp ;--------------------------------------------
new_line proc mov dl,0ah mov ah,2 int 21h mov dl,0dh mov ah,2 int 21h ret new_line endp
print proc mov ah,09h int 21h ret print endp
getc proc
push bp mov bp,sp push bx push dx
again : mov ah,1 int 21h sub al,30h mov bx,[bp+4] sub ah,ah cmp ax,0h jl mistake cmp ax,bx jg mistake jmp exit
mistake :
call new_line lea dx,error call print jmp again exit: pop dx pop bx pop bp ret 2
getc endp
proc bit_onn
push bp mov bp,sp push di push cx mov di,[bp+6] mov cx,[bp+4] mov al,1 shl al,cl mov cx,[di] or cl,al mov [di],cl pop cx pop di pop bp ret 4
bit_onn endp ;------------------------------------
choice0 proc
push bp mov bp,sp push cx push di push dx mov di,[bp+10] mov dx,[bp+8] call print call new_line mov ax,9 push ax call getc sub ah,ah add di,ax mov ax,0h mov [di],ax mov dx,[bp+6] call print call new_line mov ax,6 push ax call getc push di sub ah,ah mov cx,ax push ax call bit_onn mov dx,[bp+4] call print call new_line mov ax,6 push ax
call getc sub ah,ah cmp ax,cx jz mistake2 push di sub ah,ah push ax call bit_onn jmp exit2
mov dx,[bp+12] call print call new_line jmp again2
exit2: pop dx pop di pop cx pop bp ret 10
choice0 endp ;----------------------------------------
choice1 proc
push bp mov bp,sp mov di,[bp+4] push bx push cx push dx mov dx,[bp+8] call print call new_line mov ax,6 push ax call getc mov bl,al mov al,1 mov cl,bl shl al,cl mov bl,al mov cx,[bp+6] add di,cx sub di,1 sub bh,bh sub dx,dx lable1: mov al,[di] and al,bl cmp al,0h je skip add bh,1 push di
skip: sub di,1 loop lable1 sub dx,dx mov dl,bh cmp dx,0h jne print_result mov dx,[bp+12] push dx jmp exit3 &nbs p; mov cx,dx
pop ax add al,30h mov ah,2 int 21h mov dl,20h &nb sp; ;space mov ah,2 int 21h
loop print_result exit3:
pop dx pop cx pop bx pop di pop bp ret 10
choice1 endp end